

Aluminium-iron master alloy 

Iron is added to aluminum alloys in order to improve the mechanical, technological and operational features of products. AlFe10, AlFe20, AlFe45 master alloys produced by us, when added to wrought aluminum alloys, provide an increase in their strength and reduce the effect of welding. Due to the high concentration of iron, less of this product is required for the implementation of production tasks.

Features of manufacturing aluminum-iron master alloy in Orion-Spetcsplav-Gatchina LLC

Our company is interested in cooperation with industrial enterprises and trading companies, we focus on the needs of all categories of potential customers. The catalog of our enterprise contains an alloy based on aluminum with various concentrations of iron, including AlFe10, AllFe20, AlFe45, etc. All the alloying compositions we offer are distinguished by excellent physical and chemical characteristics.

In the manufacture of master alloys, we rely on both traditional technologies and our own developments. We strive to provide the most balanced ratio of price and quality of the master alloys.

Grade Shape Cmposition Marks Standard Price
AlFe10 Waffle ingot
Size 400*200*40 мм
Weight 5-7 кg
Fe- 9-11%
Black stripe,
Brown stripe
ГОСТ Р 53777-2010
DIN EN 575
According request
By request
AlFe20 Waffle ingot
Size 400*200*40 мм
Weight 5-7 кg
Fe- 18-22%
Black stripe,
Orange stripe
ГОСТ Р 53777-2010
DIN EN 575
According request
By request
AlFe45 Pieces Al-base
Fe- 43-47%

DIN EN 575
According request
By request

* Impurities, change of chemical composition-according mutual agreement.

For orders please contact us:

Phone: +7 (812) 438-40-91, +7 (495) 110-38-71
